Microsoft Exchange on-premises

Exchange Básico

69.860 kz / Mês

  • 6 vCPU Cores
  • Gestão de identidade e acesso para até 100 colaboradores
  • E-mail empresarial personalizado
  • SSD 400GB de armazenamento na nuvem
  • 8GB RAM do Servidor
  • Filtragem de spam e malware automática
  • Suporte por telefone e na Web
  • Permite até 100 usuários

Exchange Premium

500.000 kz / Mês

  • 6 vCPU Cores
  • Gestão de identidade e acesso para até 200 colaboradores
  • Versões para computador do Word, Excel, PowerPoint e Outlook
  • Webinars com registo de participantes e relatórios
  • SSD 600GB de armazenamento na nuvem
  • 16GB RAM do Servidor
  • Áreas de trabalho colaborativas
  • Permite até 200 usuários

Exchange Avançado

1.000.000 kz / Mês

  • 8 vCPU Cores
  • Gestão de identidade e acesso para até 100 colaboradores
  • Gestão de identidade e acesso avançada
  • Proteção contra vírus e ataques de phishing
  • SSD 1.2 TB de armazenamento na nuvem
  • 24 GB RAM do Servidor
  • Proteção de pontos finais empresariais

Solicite uma proposta personalizada para sua empresa.

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Principais Recursos
E-mail Empresarial Seguro

Proteção contra spam, malware e phishing.

Acessibilidade Total

Acesse seus e-mails, calendários e contatos de qualquer lugar e em qualquer dispositivo.

Integração com Ferramentas Microsoft

Total compatibilidade com Outlook, Teams e SharePoint.

Backups Automáticos

Garantia de recuperação de dados em caso de falhas.

Estamos aqui para Ajudar você
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As opposed to free email solutions, you can give your business a more professional image with Business Email by getting email that is branded with your company's domain name (ex. In addition, you also benefit from our advanced email technology that gives you the least latency and industry-best uptime, scalability and reliability. An email service being served out of the cloud also means no IT, hardware, software, bandwidth or people costs. And the best part is that you can add email accounts as and when your team grows.

You can send and receive emails using any desktop-based email client such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora, Entourage 2004, Windows Mail, etc. We also have a guide on how you can configure different email clients to send/receive emails. The enterprise email product supports the POP, IMAP and MAPI protocols.

To access your Webmail Interface, you can use the white-labelled URL: Once on the log in page, you would need to login with your email address and the corresponding password.

Your email can be accessed using any Smartphone or Tablet. Our fluidic webmail, built on HTML 5 & Javascript, is compatible on all major Operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian and Blackberry.

Each email account comes with 5 GB space dedicated to emails.

Usually, the port used for the Outgoing Mail Server/SMTP Service is 25. However, there might be a situation where your ISP might be blocking the use of port 25 for SMTP service. To circumvent this you can use an alternate port 587 for sending mails.

Yes, you can create mailing lists and add/delete users, select a moderator, restrict people from joining a list or even ban users from a list. More information on this can be found in our knowledgebase.

We take a zero tolerance stance against sending of unsolicited email, bulk emailing, and spam. "Safe lists", purchased lists, and selling of lists will be treated as spam. Any user who sends out spam will have their account terminated with or without notice.

Yes, you can. An auto-responder is a program that, when setup for your email address, sends out an automatic, pre-set reply to an email, as soon as it is received at this email address. You can find out more about setting up an auto-responder from our knowledge base.